Code 128 Web Server Control is a high quality .NET control for web form developing in ASP.NET. For web pages, web forms, Crystal Reports, or SSRS Reports, Code 128 Web Server Control could be easily integrated and used. High quality Code 128 images in variable symbology versions could be added to your web sites, web applications, and server reports. Code 128 Web Server Control supports VB.NET, C#.NET, Borland for .NET, and Delphi for .NET. AIM USS Code-128, ISS-Code-128, UCC-128, EAN-128, GS1-128, SCC18, USPS, SISAC, Canada Post, and other Code 128 application standards are supported by Code 128 Web Server Control.
Related .net document control helps: display tiff images: ASP.NET Tiff Viewer: view, annotate multipage Tiff images in ASP.NET MVC, WebForms using C# Control dicom web viewer: ASP.NET Dicom Document Viewer Control: view, annotate dicom imaging files online in ASP.NET
mvc pdf editor: ASP.NET MVC PDF Viewer & Editor: view, annotate, redact, edit PDF document in C# ASP.NET MVC excel view: ASP.NET Excel Viewer in C# Control (MVC & WebForms): view Office Excel document in web browser. edit pdf page:
ASP.NET PDF Pages Edit Control: add, remove, sort, replace PDF pages online using C#
document viewer c#: ASP.NET Document Viewer using C#: Open, View, Annotate, Redact, Convert document files in ASP.NET using C#, HTML5, JQuer... view text file: ASP.NET Text file viewer in MVC, WebForms: Open, view, annotate, convert txt files in C# ASP.NET
Code 128 is one of the most popular linear barcodes. Unlike EAN/UPC, Code 128 could be used to encode alphabetic characters including uppercase and lowercase letters. There is one mandatory check character in each Code 128 symbol.Variations of Code 128 are widely included in a number of industry application standards. GS1-128 is an applications standard defined by GS1, a global logistics organization.
Benefits of Code 128 Web Server Control
- Insert Standard Code 128 or Code 128 variations into web forms
- Output Code 128 barcodes with GIF, PNG, TIFF, Jpeg, and Bitmap graphic images
- Integrate with Web forms in ASP.NET, Web sites in html or aspx, and server reports
- Code 128 generator including Code 128 A, Code 128 B, and Code 128 C
- Compatible with ISO / IEC 15417 (2nd edition 2007-06-01)
- Strong name signatures and signed DLLs developed by managed C#
- Reusable component in .NET Framework
Code 128 Generation in .NET IDEs
Please follow the steps in Setup in Visual Studio or Setup in IIS before creating Code 128 for web forms and web sites.
If you want to generate Code 128 in Visual Studio, please navigate to
C#.NET Integration or
VB.NET Integration.
Code 128 Web Server Control in IIS (without using Visual Studio)
- Copy "barcode" folder in the unzipped package to to your IIS folder
- New a virtual directory, named "code128"
- Restart IIS
- Open your browser and type in the following URL: http://YourDomain:Port/code128/linear.aspx?DATA=CODE128
- Add a image tag to print QR Code into the web page including html and aspx <img src="http://YourDomain:Port/code128/linear.aspx?DATA=CODE128"/>