ASP.NET barcode generator is a generation of barcode component for ASP.NET web applications.
ASP.NET Document Viewer has integrated this sdk feature, and you can embed barcode images inside Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office Word documents online using ASP.NET C#.
This product is able to create more than thirty 1D (linear) barcode types in .NET framework applications using C# or VB class library.
Related .net document control helps: view excel in browser: ASP.NET Excel Viewer in C# Control (MVC & WebForms): view Office Excel document in web browser. pdf viewer control free: ASP.NET PDF Viewer Control: view, navigate, zoom Adobe PDF document in C# ASP.NET view text file: ASP.NET Text file viewer in MVC, WebForms: Open, view, annotate, convert txt files in C# ASP.NET image viewer jquery: ASP.NET Image Viewer Control(MVC & WebForms): view, annotate, redact, convert image files in html, JQuery annotate pdf control:
ASP.NET Annotate PDF Control: annotate, comment, markup PDF document online using ASP.NET C#
mvc document viewer: ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer: view, annotate, redact files on ASP.NET MVC web projects
powerpoint viewer mvc: ASP.NET PowerPoint Document Viewer Control (MVC & WebForms): view ppt, pptx files online in C# using ASP.NET
Barcode Creating in ASP.NET - Supported Linear Barcode
Code 39
It is one function of ASP.NET barcode generator, which is able to encode Code 39 barcodes and Code 39 Extension in ASP.NET web applications. This generator can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and IIS as well.
Code 128
It is easy to generate and print Code 128, Code 128A, Code 128B and Code 128C in web applications using ASP.NET barcode generator. High quality Code 128 barcodes could be created in ASP.NET class, console application, web forms, IIS, etc.
ASP.NET barcode library support EAN-13 and 2/5 digits add-on of EAN-13 barcode generation in .net applications. It is an easy-to-use and flexible barcode generating component for making EAN-13 barcodes in ASP.NET web applications.
It is one function of ASP.NET barcode generator, which supports .NET 2.0 and later version. It is easy to adjust linear barcode size through setting X, Y dimension, wide to narrow ratio, margin size for left, right, top and bottom.
With this flexible barcode generator, checksum digit and human-readable text of created UPC-A are easily to show or hide for linear barcodes. 100% source code of C# is provided in purchased version.