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Annotate Document Image Online in C#.NET
This powerful & professional document image annotation control for Visual C#.NET web application is designed to help users & developers draw and add various text & graphics annotations on source image or document page within C#.NET web viewer.
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RasterEdge Web Viewer Control provides C# developers with various kinds of annotating and redacting options on documents in TIFF, PDF, Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and images.
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These annotations you created can be resized, removed or deleted before commit a Save or Print action. Once done the annotation process, C# users can choose to save these annotations to native file format.
- Support most of the commonly used image formats and document types for annotation
- Provide plenty of image annotation types like rectangle, ellipse, polygon, line and so on
- Directly view and annotate web docs or images within modern web browsers
- Simple and convenient to customize image & document annotation style online
- Able to add, delete an annotation or burn it so it stays with the document perpetually
- Deploy easily and can be integrated to your C#.NET web application in no time
From this Visual C#.NET web annotation tutorial page, you will get information about following two aspects.
- What are the image annotation types supported by RasterEdge Visual C# web document viewer control
- How to customize web annotation functions in Visual C#.NET web application
As a matter of fact, you can do more than adding various annotations on target document and image files using RasterEdge Visual C#.NET web document viewer. For example, you can
save or print document to pdf or tiff and you can
customize your option with RE Webviewer.
Image and Document Annotation Types in Web Viewer
As for the supported annotations, currently this C#.NET Web Document Viewer Control supports most of the daily used annotations, please see the following list.
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Please specify your desired type while binding APIs to buttons for corresponding annotation functions.
- Arrow Annotation
- Callout Annotation
- Ellipse Annotation
- Embedded Image Annotation
- Freehand Annotation
- Freehand Lines Annotation
- Freehand HotSpot Annotation
- Highlight Annotation
- Line(s) Annotation
- Ploygon Annotation
- Rectangle Annotation
- Rectangle HotSpot Annotation
- Referenced Image Annotation
- Rubber Stamp Annotation
- Text Annotation
Customize Web Image Annotation Style in C#.NET
RasterEdge Web Viewer allows C# programmers to customize the style of document and image annotations. It is simple and straightforward. Web document or image annotation property setting, like color, border width or text font style, can be easily changed using JavaScript codes in Visual C#.NET web application.
The code snippet below is a brief example for adjusting your annotation with JavaScript codes in your ASP.NET web page Default.aspx. Please feel free to copy and modify the following properties in Default.aspx file.
//define annotation style
TextAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "White", ShowedText: "double click to edit", TextColor: "Black", TextFont: "Arial", TextSize: 12, TextStyle :"Italic"});
FreehandAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
HighlightAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "Yellow"});
RectangleAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Black", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
FilledRectangleAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Black", OutLineWidth: 3.0, FillColor: "Black", Transparency: 1});
EllipseAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "Orange"});
RubberStampAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Tomato", OutLineWidth: 3.0, FillColor: "Red", ShowedText: "Stamp annotation can show text here", TextColor: "Black", TextFont: "Arial", TextSize: 12, TextStyle: "Italic"});
PolygonLinesAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
PolygonAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "OrangeRed", OutLineWidth: 3.0, FillColor: "OrangeRed"});
LineAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
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