C# Barcode Generator Library
Install, Deploy and Distribute XImage.Barcode Generator

Online C# Guide for XImage.Barcode Generator Installation, Deployment and Distribution

Install on .NET Core projects

1. Install NuGet Packages

To install RasterEdge DLLs for .NET Core project, you need download and install the following Nuget Packages from Visual Studio Nuget Packages Manager

  • System.Drawing.Common (>= Version 6.0.0)
  • System.IO.Packaging (>= Version 6.0.0)
  • Newtonsoft.Json (>= Version 11.0.2)
  • WaterTrans.GlyphLoader (>= Version 1.0.0)

2. Install RasterEdge DLLs

Add RasterEdge .NET DLLs to project reference

In Visual Studio project Solution Explorer, right click "References", and select "Add References...". Click "Browse...", and navigate to the unzip folder, select all dlls names start with "RasterEdge." from folder "/Bin/NetStandard2.0/"

Copy RasterEdge Native DLLs to project Bin folder

Copy all VC++ DLLs (both x86 and x64 versions) (from {download package}/Bin/NetStandard2.0/) manually to the same folder as the assembly "RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic.dll".

Install on .NET Framework projects

It is an easy task to install RasterEdge dlls to .NET Framework 4.x, 3.x, and 2.x projects

  1. Download and unzip the RasterEdge Dll for .NET Framework trial package

  2. In your Visual Studio project Solution Explorer, right click "References", and select "Add References..."

  3. Click "Browse...", and navigate to the unzip folder, select all dlls names start with "RasterEdge."