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Convert Excel to Png, Gif, Bitmap ... Images
Convert Excel to Png, Gif, Bitmap … images
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C# Excel - Render Excel to Other Images

Online C# Tutorial for How to Convert Excel to Raster Images, .NET Graphics, and REImage

Excel to Multiple Image Forms Conversion

RasterEdge.com provides C# developers with mature Excel document processing and rendering library SDK. Our XDoc.Excel allows C# developers to perform high performance conversions from Excel document to multiple image forms. free barcode reader sdk c#, c# code to compress pdf file, c# pdf manipulation, c# convert pdf to jpg, add image to pdf itextsharp vb.net, c# tiff reader. Besides raster image Jpeg, images forms like Png, Bmp, Gif, .NET Graphics, and REImage (an intermediate class) are also supported. In the following parts, we provide some examples for these Excel conversions.

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C# DLLs: Convert Excel to Images

Add necessary references:











Using namespaces:

  using RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic;

  using RasterEdge.XDoc.Excel;

C# Sample Code for Excel to Png

You can use this sample code to convert Excel file to Png image. convert pdf to text using itextsharp in vb.net, c# pdf get text coordinates, vb.net read pdf file, convert powerpoint to pdf c# interop, pdf to jpg c#, convert pdf to word free c#, vb.net pdf add pages.

// Load a Excel file.
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.xlsx";
XLSXDocument doc = new XLSXDocument(inputFilePath);

// Get the first page of Excel file.
XLSXPage page = (XLSXPage)doc.GetPage(0);

// Convert the first Excel page to a PNG file.
page.ConvertToImage(ImageType.PNG, Program.RootPath + "Output.png");

C# Sample Code for Excel to Bmp

Or use this piece of C# code to implement Excel to Bmp conversion. asp.net pdf reader, asp.net core pdf editor, asp.net open excel file on client, asp.net multipage tiff viewer, mvc view pdf, open word document file in browser in asp.net, preview pdf in asp.net.

// Load a Excel file.
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.xlsx";
XLSXDocument doc = new XLSXDocument(inputFilePath);

// Get the first page of Excel file.
XLSXPage page = (XLSXPage)doc.GetPage(0);

// Convert the first Excel page to a BMP file.
page.ConvertToImage(ImageType.BMP, Program.RootPath + "\\Output.bmp");

C# Sample Code for Excel to Gif

You can also directly change Excel to Gif image file in C# program.

// Load a Excel file.
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.xlsx";
XLSXDocument doc = new XLSXDocument(inputFilePath);

// Get the first page of Excel file.
XLSXPage page = (XLSXPage)doc.GetPage(0);

// Convert the first Excel page to a GIF file.
page.ConvertToImage(ImageType.GIF, Program.RootPath + "\\Output.gif");

C# Sample Code for Excel to REImage

Using namespace(Extra):

  using RasterEdge.Imaging.Raster.Core;

Instead, you may render Excel to REImage (an intermediate class) and then do further manipulations.

// Load a Excel file.
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.xlsx";
XLSXDocument doc = new XLSXDocument(inputFilePath);

// Get the first page of Excel.
XLSXPage page = (XLSXPage)doc.GetPage(0);

// Convert the first page to a REImage object.
REImage image = (REImage)page.ConvertToImage();

// Do something ...

C# Sample Code for Excel to .NET Bitmap

Moreover, our SDK also allows you to render Excel to .NET Bitmap in C# programming.

// Load a Excel file.
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1.xlsx";
XLSXDocument doc = new XLSXDocument(inputFilePath);

// Get the first page of Excel.
XLSXPage page = (XLSXPage)doc.GetPage(0);

// Render the page to a Bitmap with default setting.
Bitmap bitmap1 = page.GetBitmap();
bitmap1.Save(inputFilePath + "_1.bmp");
//  ...

// Enlarge the page with factor 2.
float zoomRatio = 2.0F;
Bitmap bitmap2 = page.GetBitmap(zoomRatio);
bitmap2.Save(inputFilePath + "_2.bmp");
//  ...

// Render the page with a resolution of 300 dpi.
int targetResolution = 300;
Bitmap bitmap3 = page.GetBitmap(targetResolution);
bitmap3.Save(inputFilePath + "_3.bmp");
//  ...