C# PDF Annotation Viewer Library
How to open, add, delete, update PDF file text note using .net pdf viewer control in web browser, WinForms. Free Download
C#.NET Tutorial for How to Add a Sticky Note Annotation to PDF Page with Visual C# Language in .NET Project.
ASP.NET Annotate PDF function is based on C# PDF Annotate SDK.
- A best application for annotation PDF document in Visual C#.NET application and ASP.NET WebForm project
- Support .NET WinForms, ASP.NET MVC in IIS, ASP.NET Ajax, Azure cloud service, DNN (DotNetNuke), SharePoint
- Evaluation library and components enable users to annotate PDF without adobe PDF reader control installed
- Able to add notes to PDF using C# source code in Visual Studio .NET framework
- Allow users to add comments online in ASPX webpage
- Able to change font size in PDF comment box
- Able to save and print sticky notes in PDF file
C# add sticky note annotation to pdf document
The C# code and text below will show how to add sticky note annotation to PDF in C# code
- Create a PDFDocument object with an existing PDF file loaded
- Get a PDFPage object from the first page of the PDF file
- Create a new PDFAnnotStickyNote object with page position set
- Utilize method PDFAnnotHandler.AddAnnotation() to add new sticky note annotation to the PDF page
- Save the PDF document to a new file
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pdf";
String outputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_8.pdf";
// open a PDF file
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// get the 1st page
PDFPage page = (PDFPage)doc.GetPage(0);
// create the annotation
PDFAnnotStickyNote annot = new PDFAnnotStickyNote();
annot.Position = new PointF(100F, 100F);
// add annotation to the page
PDFAnnotHandler.AddAnnotation(page, annot);
// save to a new file
C# read sticky note annotation from pdf document
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_8.pdf";
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
List<IPDFAnnot> annots = PDFAnnotHandler.GetAllAnnotations(doc);
foreach (IPDFAnnot annot in annots)
if (annot is PDFAnnotStickyNote)
PDFAnnotStickyNote obj = (PDFAnnotStickyNote)annot;
Console.WriteLine("Color: " + obj.Color.ToString());
C# delete all annotations from pdf document
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "1_Annots.pdf";
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// get all annotations in the 1st page
PDFPage page = (PDFPage)doc.GetPage(0);
List<IPDFAnnot> annots = PDFAnnotHandler.GetAllAnnotations(page);
// remove all annotations in the 1st page
PDFAnnotHandler.DeleteAnnotation(doc, annots);
C# retrieve annotation popup note window's properties
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_1.pdf";
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
List<IPDFAnnot> annots = PDFAnnotHandler.GetAllAnnotations(doc);
foreach (IPDFAnnot annot in annots)
if (annot is IPDFPopupAnnot)
Console.WriteLine("Annotation has popup window");
IPDFPopupAnnot obj = (IPDFPopupAnnot)annot;
Console.WriteLine("Is open in the begin: " + obj.Popup.IsOpen);
Console.WriteLine("Popup window boundary: " + obj.Popup.Boundary.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Annotation has no popup window");
C# retrieve annotation flags
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_1.pdf";
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
List<IPDFAnnot> annots = PDFAnnotHandler.GetAllAnnotations(doc);
foreach (IPDFAnnot annot in annots)
Console.WriteLine("Annotation Flags");
Console.WriteLine(" Invisible: " + annot.IsInvisible);
Console.WriteLine(" Hidden: " + annot.IsHidden);
Console.WriteLine(" Print: " + annot.IsPrint);
Console.WriteLine(" No Zoom: " + annot.NoZoom);
Console.WriteLine(" No Rotate: " + annot.NoRotate);
Console.WriteLine(" No View: " + annot.NoView);
Console.WriteLine(" Read Only: " + annot.IsReadOnly);
Console.WriteLine(" Locked: " + annot.IsLocked);
Console.WriteLine(" Toggle No View: " + annot.IsToggleNoView);
Console.WriteLine(" Locked Contents: " + annot.IsLockedContents);
C# set annotation flags
String inputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pdf";
String outputFilePath = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_1.pdf";
// create the annotation
PDFAnnotDeleteLine annot = new PDFAnnotDeleteLine();
annot.StartPoint = new PointF(100F, 200F);
annot.EndPoint = new PointF(300F, 400F);
// set annotation flags
annot.IsInvisible = false;
annot.IsPrint = true;
annot.NoRotate = true;
annot.NoZoom = true;
// add annotation
PDFAnnotHandler.AddAnnotation(inputFilePath, 1, annot, outputFilePath);