C# PDF Barcode Reader Library
How to scan, read linear, 2d barcodes from PDF file using C#.NET
Using C# Code to Scan 1D and 2D Barcodes on PDF Document Page in C#.NET Application
In this C# tutorial, you learn how to scan, read linear and 2d barcode from PDF file using C#
- Read Code 39, Code 128, EAN/UPC, GS1 128 linear barcodes from PDF
- Read Data Matrix, PDF-417 and QR Code 2d barcodes from PDF
- Scan multiple barcode types from a PDF page
How to read, scan barcode from PDF file using C#
C#.NET PDF Barcode Reader & Scanner Controls from RasterEdge DocImage SDK for .NET is a professional barcode detecting and decoding library toolkit designed
specifically for linear and 2d barcodes reading, scanning and recognition from PDF document files in C#.NET class applications.
- Read & scan most 1d and 2d barcodes from PDF document using C# code in .NET
- Detect & decode barcode from whole or partial PDF document page using C#.NET
- Recognize barcode from PDF document and return decoded barcode value to data string
- Speed up barcode reading rate from PDF by limiting detected barcode number using C#.NET code
- Support multi-threaded barcode recognition from PDF with high performance
- Recognized barcode value will be returned with 100% accuracy
Scan, read barcode from PDF file using C#.NET
The following steps and sample c# source code will show how to quickly read a barcode from PDF file in C# code.
- Create a new PDFDocument with an existing PDF file loaded
- Create a new ReaderSettings object with scan options applied
- Call BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes() to read, scan all Code 128 barcodes from PDF document.
String inputFilePath = @"C:\1.pdf";
// Open PDF file
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// Initial reader's setting
ReaderSettings settings = new ReaderSettings();
// Set target barcode type to Code128
// Scan barcodes from the document.
Barcode[] result = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(settings, doc);
if (result.Length > 0)
foreach (Barcode barcode in result)
Console.WriteLine("Barcode Data: " + barcode.DataString);
Console.WriteLine("[No Barcode Found]");
Barcode Read Options
In your C# code, you can use class "ReaderSettings" to apply the barcode read options. The class is used to configure the barcode reader.
- Direction: Type: ScanDirection. Gets and sets the direction of reading the source image.
Enum: ScanDirection
- Undefined: Scan the source in different directions and stop once the 1st barcode is found.
- LeftToRight: Scan the source from left to right only.
- TopToBottom: Scan the source from top to bottom only
- RightToLeft: Scan the source from right to left only.
- BottomToTop: Scan the source from bottom to top only.
- Horizontal: Scan the source in horizontal.
Equivalent to: LeftToRight | RightToLeft
- Vertical: Scan the source in vertical.
Equivalent to: TopToBottom | BottomToTop
- All: Scan the source in all 4 directions.
- RegionOfInterest: Specifies the region on the source image of which it would scan.
Unit: in percent
X, Y, (X + Width) and (Y + Height) of the Rectangle must be in the range of 0 to 100; otherwise, the region is the whole image.
- NumberOfBarcodeToRead: Limit the number of barcode that read from the source.
MoreThanOne: read all barcodes.
Barcode Result Information
Once you have scanned the PDF file, and you will get a list of Barcode object. Each object contain returned barcode information.
- Type: Gets type of the found barcode.
- RawData: Gets barcode message data in byte array
- DataString: Gets barcode message data in string.
- BeginLine: Gets the begin line segment of the barcode, which usually is the left edge of the barcode boundary.
- EndLine: Gets the end line segment of the barcode, which usually is the right edge of the barcode boundary.
- BoundingRectangle: Gets the minimum bounding rectangle of the barcode.
- Direction: Gets the direction of the barcode.
LeftToRight: from left to right
TopToBottom: from top to bottom
RightToLeft: from right to left
BottomToTop: from bottom to top
Read multiple barcode types from PDF file using C#.NET
The following steps and sample c# source code will show how to scan, read more than one barcode type from a PDF file in C# code.
- Create a new PDFDocument with an existing PDF file loaded
- Create a new ReaderSettings object, and add three barcode types to scan, Code128, DataMatrix, and PDF417.
- Call BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes() to read, scan all these three barcodes from PDF document.
String inputFilePath = @"C:\1.pdf";
// Open PDF file
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// Initial reader's setting
ReaderSettings settings = new ReaderSettings();
// Set multiple target barcode types to Code 128, Data Matrix and PDF-417
// Scan barcodes from the document.
Barcode[] result = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(settings, doc);
if (result.Length > 0)
foreach (Barcode barcode in result)
Console.WriteLine("Barcode Type: " + barcode.Type.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Barcode Data: " + barcode.DataString);
Console.WriteLine("[No Barcode Found]");
Read barcode from PDF page using C# code
The following C# examle source code will show how to read barcode from a PDF page using C#.
String inputFilePath = @"C:\1.pdf";
// Open PDF file
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// Initial reader's setting
ReaderSettings settings = new ReaderSettings();
// Set target barcode type to Code128
// Scan barcodes from the first page.
int pageIndex = 0;
Barcode[] result = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(settings, doc.GetPage(pageIndex));
if (result.Length > 0)
foreach (Barcode barcode in result)
Console.WriteLine("Barcode Data: " + barcode.DataString);
Console.WriteLine("[No Barcode Found]");