C# PDF File Protect Library
How to add, generate, remove PDF file permission with owner password using c# .net
Online C# Guide for How to Set PDF File Access Permissions Using XDoc.PDF for .NET in C#
- A best PDF document SDK library for Visual Studio .NET for PDF security level settings in C#.NET framework project
- Support .NET WinForms, ASP.NET MVC in IIS, ASP.NET Ajax, Azure cloud service, DNN (DotNetNuke), SharePoint
- Powerful .NET components for PDF file protecting in both WinForms program and ASP.NET web application
- Free online C# source code provides multiple ways to set PDF file permissions in C#.NET class
- Support to create a password to PDF or delete password from PDF file
- Help to protect PDF from printing in C#.NET
- Help to lock and unlock PDF from copying and editing
- Protect PDF from annotation and content extraction
- Able to lock PDF form after filling out
- Provide users with the ability of assembling adobe PDF document
C# apply pdf document permission settings with password
#region apply pdf document permission settings with password
internal static void applyPermissionSettings()
String inputFilePath = @"C:\demo.pdf";
String outputFilePath = @"C:\demo_with_settings.pdf";
// Create a password setting object with user password "Hello World".
PasswordSetting passwordSetting = new PasswordSetting("Hello World");
// Set encryption level to AES-128.
passwordSetting.Level = EncryptionLevel.AES_128bit;
// Printing is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsPrint = true;
// Print with high-resolution.
passwordSetting.IsHighReso = true;
// Document is allowed to be changed.
passwordSetting.IsModify = true;
// Annotation is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsAnnot = true;
// Form filling is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsFillForm = true;
// Content extraction is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsExtract = true;
// Copying is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsCopy = true;
// PDF document assembling is allowed.
passwordSetting.IsAssemble = true;
// Add password to the file.
PDFDocument.AddPassword(inputFilePath, outputFilePath, passwordSetting);