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C# TIFF - Create C# TIFF Mobile Viewer

C#.NET TIFF Document Mobile Viewer & Reader Creation Guide

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C#.NET TIFF Mobile Viewer Overview
RasterEdge .NET Imaging Web Viewer SDK provides the core developing and programming technology for RasterEdge .NET TIFF web and mobile viewers. .net pdf library c#, export form to pdf, c# save tiff compression, c# convert excel to pdf without office, how to merge two pdf files in c#, c# remove text from pdf. Developers and end-users that are familiar with RasterEdge image web viewer creation can achieved success on TIFF mobile viewer programming easily.
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C#.NET TIFF mobile viewer from RasterEdge DocImage SDK for .NET is designed to view, read, annotate & process TIFF document image file for mobile class application. This TIFF viewing control can help .NET developers integrate TIFF reading functions into mobile-based class application using C# code. add image to pdf, open password protected pdf using c#, how to generate password protected pdf files in c#, pdf viewer control, pdf create thumbnail background color, pdf page count, c# generate pdf from template.
Overall contents of this TIFF mobile viewer tutorial article:
  • TIFF document mobile viewer feature list in C#.NET application
  • How to Create TIFF document mobile viewer in C#.NET application
Apart from mobile TIFF viewer, RasterEdge DocImage SDK for .NET also offers users C#.NET TIFF document image reader & viewer designed specifically for web site class application and Windows program. If you want to integrate TIFF displaying & reading features into your web service or windows application, please follow on-line web site TIFF viewer or Windows TIFF viewer. Also, users can get more help on PDF document mobile viewer creation in C#.NET and Word document mobile viewer adding in C# codes.
C#.NET TIFF Document Mobile Viewer Features
  • Easy to utilize TIFF mobile viewer on Android, IOS & Windows platforms
  • Written in managed C# code, without footprint or any plugins
  • Easy-to-use TIFF displaying control which uses latest HTML5 technology
  • Compatible with most mobile browsers like iOS and Android
  • Convert your mobile device into a document scanner using C# code
  • View TIFF directly from the server and save them locally on mobile devices
  • Works with most of the new smart phones, mobile, PDA, tablet and handheld devices
  • View TIFF document fast without requiring a client or application download
  • Read TIFF files with mobile-compatible features, like touch interfaces
  • Markup TIFF document with rich annotations using C# code
  • Compose TIFF document by burning annotations using C# code
  • Create thumbnails for fast navigation through loading on-demand pages
  • Strong page-manipulating functions to process TIFF file in C#.NET application
How to Create TIFF Mobile Viewer in C#.NET
As creating PDF and Word mobile viewers, users can still follow the given detailed procedures to create and customize your own TIFF document mobile viewer in C#.NET by using RasterEdge .NET Imaging Viewer SDK. But first please make sure you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later version, as well as Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later version.
  1. Create a website project in Visual Studio 2005 and name it as any related name;
  2. Add all RasterEdge .NET Imaging DLLs to your website project reference: right-click on projectitem, choose "Add Reference...", select all the dlls, and click "OK";
  3. Copy package folder "RasterEdge_Imaging_Files" to your created website folder;
  4. Add reference "RasterEdge.css" and "RasterEdge.js" to Visual Studio "Default.aspx" head tag, like:
    <link href="RasterEdge_Imaging_Files/RasterEdge.css" rel="stylesheet"
    <script src="RasterEdge_Imaging_Files/RasterEdge.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  5. Copy package folder "Demo_Docs" to your created website project folder;
  6. Add a new Web.Config by right click "Add New Item...", click "Web Configuration File", name it as "Web.config", and click button "Add";
  7. Copy package file "Web.config" content to this created Web.config;
  8. Replace the <body> content of created website Default.aspx with corresponding content of the downloaded package Default.aspx. The buttons displayed on web page can be customized (add or delete) through;
    <div class="re_func_btn"></div>
  9. Find <div id="_tblImgs" class="re_content" style="width:100%" ></div> in Defaul.aspx, and add following javascript to create web viewer;
    <div id="_tblImgs" class="re_content" style="width:100%" >
    <script type="text/javascript">
  10. In Default.aspx.cs, set "fileUrl" and "SessionId". Then, add "ImageUrl", "DocWidth", "DocHeight", "ThumbWidth", and "ThumbHeight". See as below:
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    public string FileUrl;
    public string SessionId;
    public float ThumbHieght = 100;
    public float ThumbWidth = 80;
    public float DocHieght = 640;
    public float DocWidth = 819;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  11. Add the following javascript in Default.aspx;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //the patameter definde in aspx.cs aslo need in javascript
    _fileUrl = "<%=FileUrl%>";
    _docWidth = "<%=DocWidth%>" - 17;
    _docHeight = "<%=DocHieght%>";
    _thumbWidth = "<%=ThumbWidth%>";
    _thumbHeight = "<%=ThumbHieght%>";
    _rnd = "<%=SessionId%>";
    //this parameter can choose the page show type:0-fit width;1-fit height;2- 1:1
    to show
    _pageSizeType = 1;
    //define annotation style
    TextAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "White", ShowedText: "double click to
    , TextColor: "Black", TextFont: "Arial", TextSize: 12, TextStyle :"Italic"});
    FreehandAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
    HighlightAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "Yellow"});
    RectangleAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Black", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
    FilledRectangleAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Black", OutLineWidth:
    3.0, FillColor: "Black", Transparency: 1});
    EllipseAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({FillColor: "Orange"});
    RubberStampAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Tomato", OutLineWidth: 3.0,
    FillColor: "Red", ShowedText: "Stamp annotation can show text here", TextColor: "Black",
    TextFont: "Arial", TextSize: 12, TextStyle: "Italic"});
    PolygonLinesAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
    PolygonAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "OrangeRed", OutLineWidth: 3.0,
    FillColor: "OrangeRed"});
    LineAnnoStyle = new AnnoStyle({OutLineColor: "Red", OutLineWidth: 3.0});
C# Imaging - More Online Guide to Process TIFF Document

Recommend this to Google+ is professional provider of ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Viewer, MVC PDF Viewer document, content and imaging solutions, available for ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, Windows Forms as well as WPF. We are dedicated to provide powerful & profession imaging controls, PDF document, image to pdf files and components for capturing, viewing, processing, converting, compressing and stroing images, documents and more.

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