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Create TIFF Windows Viewer
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Create Tiff Windows Viewer Developer Guide here.
ASP.NET TIFF Viewer open, display, view, navigate multipage tiff document in ASP.NET MVC, WebForms.
ASP.NET Document Viewer view, annotate, redact PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Tiff documents in HTML5, JQuery.
ASP.NET PDF Viewer open, view, annotate, redact, convert Adobe PDF documents in ASP.NET using HTML5, JQuery.
C# TIFF Document Windows Viewer - Overview
Compared with TIFF online web viewer, creating TIFF windows viewer in C#.NET would be much easier. Rasteredge DocImage SDK for .NET offers outstanding TIFF Windows Viewer Control which enables TIFF document loading, navigating, viewing, TIFF page annotating, processing, TIFF document saving and more.
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With this tutorial, C#.NET developers may quickly and precisely add TIFF viewing functionality into .NET Windows imaging application.
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Users can learn following information in this TIFF Windows viewer creating guide.
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- Feature list of TIFF document Windows viewer in C#.NET project
- How to create TIFF image Windows viewer in C#.NET application
- Other related image and document Windows viewers
C#.NET TIFF Windows Viewer Features
- Compatible with Visual C#.NET Windows Forms imaging applications
- Programmed in full managed Visual C# class library
- C# code to create and customize TIFF Windows viewer interface
- Viewer functions can be added or removed with a simple C#.NET class code
- Support loading single-page and multi-page TIFF files at high speed
- Add, delete, and reorder TIFF image file pages within created Windows viewer
- Mature and rich TIFF document annotating support
- Simple to save and output TIFF document in C#.NET Windows Forms application
How to Create TIFF Image Windows Viewer in C#
RasterEdge provides highly spoken technology support for all C# users who apply RasterEdge .NET Imaging SDK. Following procedures demonstrates how to easily and quickly
create TIFF document viewer in C#.NET Windows application within Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ and Visual Studio 2005+.
Add TIFF Windows Viewer to C#.NET Project
1. Set up Visual C#.NET TIFF imaging project.
- Create a Windows Forms project (WinViewerDemo) in your Visual Studio.
- Add RasterEdge .NET Windows Viewer DLL to your Visual C#.NET TIFF imaging project reference: right-click on project item, choose "Add Reference...", locate and choose RasterEdge.XDoc.WindowsViewer.dll in package "Bin" folder, and click "OK";
- You will find .NET Windows Viewer Control has been added to your C#.NET project.
2. Open TIFF File from Specified Path.
- Drag the added WinForms Viewer Control to your C#.NET TIFF image viewing project form;
- Use C# demo code below to open a TIFF document. In details, this demo code helps to design an open file dialog, with which C# users can click to choose a TIFF file to view on Windows Viewer Control. If failed to load, there would be an notice with "cannot open your file". This is because your target file format is not supported by .NET Windows Viewer Control.
If you want to try more functions (design Thumbnail, Navigation, Zoom and so on), please refer to
Create Windows Viewer Guide.
public void Form1()
// Set the windows viewer display options.
ViewerOptions option = new ViewerOptions();
// Set the windows viewer height and width. This step is necessary, otherwise will crash.
option.DocViewerWidth = 400;
option.DocViewerHeight = 400;
// Show the thumbnail, true or false.
option.ShowThumb = true;
// The location of thumbnail, left, right, top or bottom.
option.ThumbDock = ThumbDock.Left;
// Set the thumbnail height
option.ThumbViewerHeight = 1000;
// Set whether the document viewer is spread as winViewer
option.SizeByDocViewer = false;
// Create windows viewer form.
winViewer = new WinViewer(option);
winViewer.Height = 800;
winViewer.Width = 1000;
// Add the windows viewer to your own form.
private void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
ofd.Filter = "(*.*)|*.*";
ofd.Multiselect = false;
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
3. Draw Annotation on TIFF Image File Page.
- Call a single C#.NET method for each kind of supportive TIFF image annotation that you want to support in your toolbar button's Onclick events.
- Free to resize, burn or delete created TIFF image annotation in C#.NET Windows Forms Viewer: right-click the added annotation, and choose delete or burn.
- Add buttons to complete other Windows TIFF Viewer operations, like adding new TIFF page, deleting current TIFF page, and more.
private void HighLight_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
private void Text_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
C#.NET TIFF Windows Viewer Control APIs
RasterEdge .NET Windows Viewer Control provides C#.NET developers with various mature APIs for TIFF image file viewing and manipulating in .NET Windows Forms application.
Here, list all of them, including LoadFromFile(String filePath), SaveFile(String filePath), UpPage, DownPage, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, FitWidth, FitHeight, ShowOneToOne, AddPage, DeletePage, Roate90, Rotate180, Rotate270, DrawText, DrawFreehand, DrawLine, DrawPolygonLines, DrawFilledRectangle, DrawRectangle, DrawHighLight, DrawEllipse, DrawPolygon, DrawRubberStamp, BurnAnnotation, DeleteAnnotation.
Other Related Imaging Viewers in .NET Projects
This page just demonstrates how to create TIFF document Windows viewer in C#.NET, and users can find more image and document viewers creating tutorials in .NET applications by using RasterEdge .NET Imaging Viewer SDK controls.
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