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C# Word - Read Barcodes in C# Word

How to Scan & Read Barcode from Word Document Page Using C#.NET

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C#.NET Barcode Reader SDK for Word Document
RasterEdge .NET Barcode Reader Add-on library is a professional barcode detecting & reading component designed for Microsoft .NET Framework applications. add image watermark to pdf c#, pdf pages c#, how to convert pdf to jpg in c# windows application, c# read pdf file, c# best tiff compression, convert tiff to pdf c# itextsharp. This barcode scanning control can be easily integrated into Visual C# Word document processing application so that developers can read over 20 linear & 2d barcode images from MS Word document page.
Related .net document control helps: pdf document viewer: ASP.NET PDF Document Viewer in C#: open, display, view, annotate, redact Adobe PDF files online in ASP.NET MVC & WebForm... pdf viewer: ASP.NET PDF Viewer Control: view, navigate, zoom Adobe PDF document in C# ASP.NET mvc document viewer: ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer: view, annotate, redact files on ASP.NET MVC web projects pdf page: ASP.NET PDF Pages Edit Control: add, remove, sort, replace PDF pages online using C# edit pdf text: ASP.NET PDF Text Edit Control: online edit PDF text content using C# ASP.NET text file viewer: ASP.NET Text file viewer in MVC, WebForms: Open, view, annotate, convert txt files in C# ASP.NET multipage tiff viewer: ASP.NET Tiff Viewer: view, annotate multipage Tiff images in ASP.NET MVC, WebForms using C# Control
Here is the layout of this C#.NET Word barcode recognition guide page:
  • C#.NET Word barcode reader control benefits
  • C# API and sample code for reading barcode image from Word file
  • Supported barcode types by C#.NET Word barcode reader add-on convert pdf page to image, read pdf file using itextsharp, c# itextsharp read pdf image, ghostscript pdf page count c#, c# render pdf, c# get pdf page size, pdf report in c#.
C#.NET Word Barcode Scanner Control Benefits
  • Highly compatible with .NET developing tools like Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Scan barcode image from C# Word page accurately at highly reading speed
  • Support reading both 1D and 2D barcode types like QR Code and Code 128
  • Able to detect & decode multiple barcode images from Word in C#.NET class application
  • Offer different ways to output the value of all scanned barcode images using C# code
  • Also support scanning barcode from a specified area of Word document to save time
  • Provide feasible functions to customize barcode scanning rate from Word with C# coding
How to Read Barcode from Word with C# API and Sample Code
In this section, we will illustrate C#.NET API and sample code used to detect & read barcode image from source Word file. how to upload pdf file in database using c#, remove image from pdf file, tiff viewer control, asp net remove text from pdf javascript, pdf editor, mvc display pdf in browser, pdf preview in asp net c# example. Please note, RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic.dll, RasterEdge.Imaging.Barcode.Scanner.dll and RasterEdge.Imaging.MSWordDocx.dll should be added to your Visual C#.NET project.
public static Barcode[] ReadBarcodes(ReaderSettings settings, BasePage page);
public static void ReadBarcodeFromWord(string filename, int pageIndex)
// generate Word document
DOCXDocument doc = new DOCXDocument (filename);

// get the page you want to read barcode from
BasePage page = doc.GetPage(pageIndex);

// set reader setting
ReaderSettings setting = new ReaderSettings();

// read Code 39 barcode type

// read out barcode information
Barcode[] barcodes = BarcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(setting, page);

// output barcode information
foreach (Barcode barcode in barcodes)
Read Supportive 1D & 2D Barcodes from Word in C#.NET
This .NET barcode decoder control add-on is able to read & scan over 20 commonly used barcode types from C#.NET Word page in a fast and accurate way. Here we list all supported linear and 2d barcode types in the following chart and you can view detailed C# demo code for reading specific barcode type by clicking attached link.
Data Matrix Barcode Recognition in C# Word C# Word Interleaved 2 of 5 Barcode Reading Tutorial
Scanning a single or multiple 2D Data Matrix barcode image(s) from Word document by using C#.NET class code. Detect all Interleaved 2 of 5 linear barcodes from an MS Word file using C#.NET programming code.
C# Word PDF-417 Barcode Reading Tutorial Detecting C# ISBN Barcode from Word
Detect and decode all two-dimensional PDF-417 barcode images from a Microsoft Office Word file in C#.NET project. This guide aims to tell developers how to decode ISBN, ISBN+2, ISBN+5 publishing linear barcodes from Visual C# Word application.
Detecting C# QR Code Barcode from Word C#.NET ISSN Barcode Reading from Word
This guide helps .NET developers to scan 2D QR Codes from Visual C#.NET Word processing application to get the encoded alphanumeric data or other values. Navigate to this user manual to learn how to read and scan linear barcode ISSN (with a two-digit or five-digit add-on symbol) using Visual C# programming language.
C#.NET Australia Post Barcode Reading from Word C#.NET ITF-14 Barcode Reading from Word
How to recognize Australia Post linear barcode images from Microsoft Office Word using C# code. How to read ITF-14 linear barcode images from Microsoft Office Word using C#.NET class code.
C#.NET Word Codabar Barcode Reading C#.NET Word Leitcode Barcode Reading
This is a Visual C# tutorial with sample code for recognizing Codabar barcode from Word document. This tutorial tells .NET users how to read Leitcode barcode from Word with C# programming.
C# Code 39 Scanning from Word File C# Patch Code Barcode Reading from Word
Follow this guide to learn how developers can recognize Code 39 from a specific area of MS Word using C# coding. Follow this guide to learn how to scan Patch Code barcode from a specific area of MS Word in Visual C#.NET program.
Read Code 93 Barcode from Word Read PLANET Barcode from Word
Here is a user manual to help C# developers read and decode all Code 93 from Word document by using provided C# sample code. This is a user manual to help C# developers scan and recognize all PLANET barcodes from Word document.
Scan Code 128 Barcode from Word in C# Scan POSTNET Barcode from Word in C#
In Visual C#.NET application, how to read Code 128A, Code 128B and Code 128C barcodes from MS Word. Online C#.NET tutorial for reading and scanning POSTNET linear barcodes from MS Word document.
C# Word EAN-8 Barcode Reading C# Word RM4SCC Barcode Reading
Visual C# example for reading and decoding EAN-8, EAN-8 Sup2, EAN-8 Sup5 numeric linear barcodes from C# Poject Word document. Provide mature API and sample code for scanning and recognizing RM4SCC Royal Mail postal barcode from loaded MS Word file.
C#: How to Read EAN-13 from Word C#: How to Read UPC-A from Word
Detailed C# guide to help you decode (GS1-compatible) EAN-13 barcode image from Word document and output barcode data to string. Visual C#.NET programmers can easily scan (GS1-compatible) UPC-A barcode from Word document at fast spped.
C# Word: Identcode Barcode Reading Guide C# Word: UPC-E Barcode Reading Guide
How to build a C# application and copy provided sample code to read Identcode barcodes from MS Word document. How to integrate barcode reading library into your Visual C# project to scan UPC-E barcodes from MS Word.
Intelligent Mail Recognition from C# Word
Easy to recognize single or multiple UPSP Intelligent Mail postal barcode(s) from Word document with C#.NET class code.
C# Imaging - Word Related Tutorials

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