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Header & Footer Processing
Header & Footer Processing
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C# Word - Header & Footer Processing in C#.NET

Provide a Series of Methods to Process Footer & Header in Word Document for C# Users


By using C#.NET Word document header & footer processing Interface control (XDoc.Word).//More TODO, users are able to process header and footer on Word document. read text from pdf c#, mvc view to pdf itextsharp, open pdf and draw c#, asp.net mvc convert pdf to image, tiffbitmapencoder example c#, c# code 128.

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C# DLLs: Word Header and Footer Processing

Add references:










Use corresponding namespaces;

  using RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic;

  using RasterEdge.XDoc.Word;

Create Footer & Header

The following C# sample code will show you how to create a header and footer in section. There's no content in section until blocks are created in it. vb.net pdf to tiff, vb.net pdf page count, vb.net convert pdf to text file, itextsharp remove text from pdf c#, image to pdf vb.net, vb.net pdf print library, c# pdf viewer open source.

String docFilePath = @"";
//Open the document
DOCXDocument document =DOCXDocument.Open(docFilePath);
//Get the main document
IDocument doc = document.GetDocument();
//Create a section
ISection section = doc.CreateSection(0);
//Create a header for section
IHeader header = section.CreateHeader(HeaderAndFooterType.Default);
//More TODO:may create some block in header.

//Create a footer for section
IFooter footer = section.CreateFooter(HeaderAndFooterType.Default);
//More TODO:may create some block in footer.

//Save the document

Create and Add Paragraph to Footer & Header

Like main body story, header and footer of Word also contains a series of blocks such as normal paragraphs and tables. asp.net itextsharp add image to pdf, pdf viewer asp.net control open source, asp. net mvc pdf viewer, asp.net view excel in browser, preview pdf in asp.net, asp.net show image from server, pdf editor asp.net. And we provide various methods to process them, the following demo code will show you how to create paragraph in header and footer.

String docFilePath = @"";
//Open the document
DOCXDocument document = DOCXDocument.Open(docFilePath);
//Get the main document
IDocument doc = document.GetDocument();
//Create a section for document
ISection section = doc.CreateSection(0);
//Create a header for section
IHeader header = section.CreateHeader(HeaderAndFooterType.Default);
//Just Show how to Create a paragraph for header
IParagraph paragraph = header.CreateParagraph();
//Create a run and text in paragraph
IRun run = paragraph.CreateARun();


Create and Add Table to Footer & Header

The following demo code shows how to create table in footer and header.

String docFilePath = @"";
//Open the document
DOCXDocument document = DOCXDocument.Open(docFilePath);
//Get the main document
IDocument doc = document.GetDocument();
//Create a section for document
ISection section = doc.CreateSection(0);
//Create a header for section
IHeader header = section.CreateHeader(HeaderAndFooterType.Default);
//Just show how to Create a table for header
ITable table= header.CreateTable(3, 3);