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How To: Word SDK
Install, Deploy and Distribute
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How to C#: Install, Deploy and Distribute XDoc.Word

Online C# Guide for XDoc.Word Installation, Deployment and Distribution

There are two parts on this page, including system requirements for using XDoc.Word, and how to install XDoc.Word into visual studio C# .NET Applications. add image to pdf using itextsharp vb.net, tesseract c# pdf, pdf compression library c#, how to add header and footer in pdf using c#, mvc print pdf, c# pdf 417 reader.

Related .net document control helps:
asp.net excel viewer: ASP.NET Excel Viewer in C# Control (MVC & WebForms): view Office Excel document in web browser.
asp.net image viewer: ASP.NET Image Viewer Control(MVC & WebForms): view, annotate, redact, convert image files in html, JQuery
asp.net pdf viewer: ASP.NET PDF Viewer Control: view, navigate, zoom Adobe PDF document in C# ASP.NET
asp.net mvc pdf editor: ASP.NET MVC PDF Viewer & Editor: view, annotate, redact, edit PDF document in C# ASP.NET MVC
asp.net pdf editor: EdgePDF: ASP.NET PDF Editor Web Control: Online view, annotate, redact, edit, process, convert PDF documents
asp.net annotate pdf: ASP.NET Annotate PDF Control: annotate, comment, markup PDF document online using ASP.NET C#
asp.net document viewer c#: ASP.NET Document Viewer using C#: Open, View, Annotate, Redact, Convert document files in ASP.NET using C#, HTML5, JQuer...

System Requirements

Windows XP SP3 or later

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later

Install XDoc.Word in C# Project

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Add necessary references to your C#.NET project. Right-click the project and select "Add Reference..." to locate and add the following DLLs as project references; remove pdf password c#, get coordinates of text in pdf c#, combine pdf vb.net, vb.net pdf to word converter, convert word to pdf vb.net, itextsharp remove text from pdf c#, vb.net pdf add pages.











Use corresponding namespaces;

  using RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic;

  using RasterEdge.XDoc.Word;

Add the following C# demo code to your project (Word to Png conversion demo).

// Convert Word file to Png image.
DOCXDocument docx = new DOCXDocument(filePath);
docx.ConvertToImages(ImageType.PNG, @"C:\output\", "test");