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Thumbnail Create
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How to C#: Generate Thumbnail for Word

Support Thumbnail Generation with Various Options for Quick Word Navigation


You can navigate through Word document in your C#.NET application via thumbnail. itextsharp add image to pdf vb.net, print pdf vb.net without acrobat, add header and footer in pdf using itextsharp c#, vb.net pdf to image, c# itextsharp html image to pdf, code 128 barcode reader c#. And generating thumbnail for Word document is an easy work. Please see C# programming example as below.

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How to Create Thumbnail for Word in C#

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Add necessary references to your C#.NET project:











Use corresponding namespaces;

  using RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic;

  using RasterEdge.XDoc.Word;

This is a simple C# example for Word thumbnail creation. As you see, you are allowed to define and control the size of thumbnail. c# add watermark to existing pdf file using itextsharp, vb.net merge pdf files free, c# read pdf page, c# scale pdf page, vb.net pdf page count, how to search text in pdf using c#, vb.net code to convert pdf to text.

DOCXDocument pdf = new DOCXDocument(@"C:\1.docx");
BasePage page = pdf.GetPage(0);
Size size = new Size(200, 200);
Bitmap bmp = page.ConvertToImage(size);