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C# Word - Create Windows Word Viewer in C#

Visual C# Code for Creating Word Windows Viewer with DocImage SDK for .NET

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C# Word Windows Viewer
C#.NET developers may quickly add Microsoft Office Word viewing and processing functionality into Windows Document Image Viewer by using RasterEdge .NET Image SDK. save pdf file, c# pdfsharp extract text from pdf, visual basic create pdf, print pdf without preview, extract images from pdf file c# itextsharp, itextsharp remove text from pdf c#. Similar to C# Word Web Viewer, C# Word Windows Viewer also provide multiple Word viewing and editing functions, such as Word document loading, viewing, annotating and saving in .NET WinForms project, as well as other file editing features, like converting & printing.
Related .net document control helps: image viewer jquery: ASP.NET Image Viewer Control(MVC & WebForms): view, annotate, redact, convert image files in html, JQuery edit pdf page: ASP.NET PDF Pages Edit Control: add, remove, sort, replace PDF pages online using C#
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.NET Windows Document Viewer for Word is quiet easy to be created and customized. Users will only need to build a Visual C#.NET Windows Forms application, add Windows Document Viewer Cotnrol to project reference, and use viewer resources, C# demo code and HTML to create Word Viewer and control all kinds of MS Word viewing and processing. itextsharp split pdf, how to add image in pdf header using itext c#, how to generate pdf in c# windows application, c# redact pdf, pdf library open source, pdfreader not opened with owner password itext c#, c# draw pdf.
Follow this guide page and you will be able to create a Windows Viewer for Microsoft Office Word in C#.NET project. asp net replace text from pdf javascript, pdf editor in asp net mvc, pdf viewer for web application, show image c#, excel viewer c#, pdf preview, pdf viewer in core mvc. Below is the page navigation.
  • C# Word Document Windows Viewer Features
  • How to Create a Visual C# Word Windows Viewer
  • More C# Word and image processing tutorials
C#.NET Word Document Windows Viewer Features
  • Compiled with pure C# managed code for .NET Framework application
  • Support .NET development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and later versions
  • Easy to be integrated into Visual C#.NET Windows Word imaging application and project
  • Enable C# developers to customize Word Document Windows Viewer interface
  • Provide complete C#.NET guide to load and display MS Word document (page)
  • Flexible options for opening, viewing, saving and printing Word document in Windows Document Viewer
  • Support creating and adding annotation objects on any of Word document page
How to Create C# Word Document Windows Viewer

Add C# Word Windows Viewer DLL to Project and Invoke APIs

To create .NET Windows Word Document Viewer, developers can easily get started with creating a Windows Forms project in Visual C# programming. And then, invoke APIs of this viewer control. Below is detailed steps.
  1. Add .NET Windows Viewer DLL into your C#.NET WinForms project;
  2. Design a file open dialog to load Word document into Windows Viewer Control;
  3. Draw specified annotation object on Word document page within C#.NET Windows Document Viewer.
    Blow are detailed illustrations for each step.
1. Add WinViewer Control to your C#.NET project.
  1. In Visual Studio, create a C#.NET Windows Forms project (WinViewerDemo);
  2. Add control. Right-click on your project, select "Add reference...", and browse to find and select RasterEdge.XDoc.WindowsViewer.dll, then .NET WinViewer Control will appear in Toolbox. Also, the libraries depended on will be copied to the project execute directory automatically.
2. Design file open dialog to load Word file into C#.NET Windows Document Viewer.
  1. Drag C#.NET Window Viewer Control onto your created form;
  2. Use following demo code to load MS Word via File Open Dialog. Note, if the file format is not supported by WinViewer control, there will prompt a window "cannot open your file".
If you want to try more functions (design Thumbnail, Navigation, Zoom and so on), please refer to Create Windows Viewer Guide.
public void Form1()
	// Set the windows viewer display options.
	ViewerOptions option = new ViewerOptions();
	// Set the windows viewer height and width. This step is necessary, otherwise will crash.
	option.DocViewerWidth = 400;
	option.DocViewerHeight = 400;
	// Show the thumbnail, true or false.
	option.ShowThumb = true;
	// The location of thumbnail, left, right, top or bottom.
	option.ThumbDock = ThumbDock.Left;
	// Set the thumbnail height
	option.ThumbViewerHeight = 1000;
	// Set whether the document viewer is spread as winViewer
	option.SizeByDocViewer = false;
	// Create windows viewer form.
	winViewer = new WinViewer(option);
	winViewer.Height = 800;
	winViewer.Width = 1000;
	// Add the windows viewer to your own form.
private void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
	OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
	ofd.Filter = "(*.*)|*.*";
	ofd.Multiselect = false;
	if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
3. Draw and add annotation on Word file page in Windows Viewer.
  1. Call a single method for each kind of annotation that you want to support in your toolbar button's Onclick events. Below is the demo code;
  2. In addition, you may feel free to burn or delete created Word annotation by righ-clicking on it and choosing option accordingly.
private void HighLight_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
private void Text_Click(object sender, EventArgse)
If you are a Visual Basic.NET programmer, please go to this user manual to Create MS Word Windows Viewer in VB.NET Application. Apart from this Word viewer guide, RasterEdge also provides many other tutorials to help you get familiar with the functions of DocImage SDK for .NET. You can Create a Word Web Viewer with Visual C# code as well in an ASP.NET web application. You can also Build C# Word Mobile Viewer in your mobile application.

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