PDF Annotation VB.NET Library
How to Add Sticky Note to PDF Page in VB.NET
Online VB.NET Tutorial for Adding a Sticky Note Annotation to PDF Page Using XDoc.PDF for VB.NET
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Add Annotation – Sticky Note Overview
Sticky Note is a necessary feature in PDF annotation, which bring users quick and efficient working with PDF Document. RasterEdge XDoc.PDF SDK is a multifunctional PDF document processing tool, which can perform various PDF annotation works in easy ways. Using this .NET PDF annotation control, VB.NET developers can add a sticky note to any position on PDF page.
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Since RasterEdge XDoc.PDF SDK is based on .NET framework 2.0, users are enabled to use it in any type of a 32-bit or 64-bit .NET application, including ASP.NET web service and Windows Forms for any .NET Framework version from 2.0 to 4.5.
How to VB.NET: Add Sticky Note on PDF Page
Here's the VB.NET sample code to add sticky note on pdf page.
Dim inputFilePath As String = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "2.pdf"
Dim outputFilePath As String = Program.RootPath + "\\" + "Annot_8.pdf"
' open a PDF file
Dim doc As PDFDocument = New PDFDocument(inputFilePath)
' get the 1st page
Dim page As PDFPage = doc.GetPage(0)
' create the annotation
Dim annot As PDFAnnotStickyNote = New PDFAnnotStickyNote()
annot.Position = New PointF(100.0F, 100.0F)
' add annotation to the page
PDFAnnotHandler.AddAnnotation(page, annot)
' save to a new file