PDF Converter VB.NET Library
Create PDF from RTF in VB.NET
Tutorial for VB.NET Users to Convert RTF File to PDF Document in Visual Basic Program
- Free VB.NET RTF to PDF converter SDK for Visual Studio .NET
- Online C# guide: how to convert RTF to PDF file using C#
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- An advanced .NET library which able to batch convert multiple RTF files to adobe PDF files
- Users are able to convert RTF to PDF programmatically with VB.NET code
- Able to create PDF from RTF in both .NET WinForms application and ASP.NET class
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- Support .NET WinForms, ASP.NET MVC in IIS, ASP.NET Ajax, Azure cloud service, DNN (DotNetNuke), SharePoint
- Online source codes are given for using in VB.NET class
- Access to free .NET components and controls downloading
VB.NET Demo Code for Converting RTF to PDF
How to VB.NET: Convert single RTF file to PDF
VB.NET demo code for creating PDF document from RTF format.
'rtf convert to pdf(file to file)
Dim doc As RTFDocument = New RTFDocument("C:\dmeo.rtf")
doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, "C:\output.pdf")
'rtf convert to pdf(Stream to Stream)
Dim inputFilePath As String = "C:\demo.rtf"
Dim arr() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(inputFilePath)
Dim inputStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(arr)
Dim doc As RTFDocument = New RTFDocument(inputStream)
Dim outputStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputStream)
How to VB.NET: Convert two or multiple RTF files to PDF(batch convert)
Following demo codes will show how to convert rtf files to pdf documents.
Dim inputDirectory As String = "C:\input\"
Dim outputDirectory As String = "C:\Output\"
Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(inputDirectory, "*.rtf")
'convert rtf document to pdf one by one.
For Each filePath As String In files
Dim doc As RTFDocument = New RTFDocument(filePath)
Dim startIdx As Integer = filePath.LastIndexOf("\")
Dim endIdx As Integer = filePath.LastIndexOf(".")
Dim docName As String = filePath.SubString(startIdx + 1, endIdx - startIdx - 1)
' Convert it to PDF document.
doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputDirectory + docName + ".pdf")
How to VB.NET: Combine multiple RTF files, and convert to PDF
Following is VB.NET demo code for rtf files to PDF conversion.
Dim files() As String = { "C:\demo1.rtf, C:\demo2.rtf, C:\demo3.rtf" }
Dim outputFilePath As String = "C:\output.pdf"
Dim streams As List(Of MemoryStream) = New List(Of MemoryStream)()
For Each filePath As String In files
Dim doc As RTFDocument = New RTFDocument(filePath)
Dim outputStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
' Convert it to PDF document.
doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, outputStream)
PDFDocument.CombineDocument(streams, outputFilePath)
How to VB.NET: Insert RTF file into pdf document, and create a new PDF file
Following is VB.NET demo code to Insert rtf file to PDF at specific location.
Dim filePath As String = "C:\demo.rtf"
Dim doc As RTFDocument = New RTFDocument(filePath)
Dim stream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
doc.ConvertToDocument(DocumentType.PDF, stream)
Dim pdf As PDFDocument = New PDFDocument(stream)
Dim pageCount As Integer = pdf.GetPageCount()
Dim pages List(Of BasePage) = New List(Of BasePage)()
For i As Integer = 0 To pageCount - 1
Dim outputPdf As String = "C:\output.pdf"
Dim desDoc As PDFDocument = New PDFDocument(outputPdf)
Dim insertLocation As Integer = 2
desDoc.InsertPages(pages.ToArray(), insertLocation)