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Convert TIFF to REImage
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When you are surfing GOOGLE to find something related with VB.NET TIFF document conversion, is it very difficult for you to get the entire programmable APIs, methods, the comprehensive sample codes or the deeper & theoretic TIFF conversion concept? But now, all these questions will be answered within this VB.NET TIFFF document to REImage conversion tutorial.
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- Specific relationships between TIFF document converter and TIFF document to REImage converting in VB.NET application
- Remarkable APIs and methods for TIFF document to REImage rendering
- Comprehensive VB.NET sample code for rendering TIFF document to REImage
- Benefits of VB.NET TIFF document to REImage rendering library
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TIFF to REImage Rendering Necessities in VB.NET
TIFF Document Converting Library under RasterEdge .NET Imaging SDK is the fundamental application of TIFF document reading & processing toolkit, which is designated to help users reach the target of rendering and converting TIFF document to other image or document forms that can be jpeg, png, bmp, gif, jbig2, svg, pdf, word, excel or ppt.
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However, what makes RatserEdge VB.NET TIFF document converter differ from other transfers is to guarantee and ensure the huge conversion flexibility and efficiency. Users who are about to convert TIFF document to another image or document form with RatserEdge TIFF document converting control need to render all TIFF document or a specific page to REImage first, and then, convert the rendered REImage to any supporting format within either VB.NET web application or Windows project.
VB.NET APIs for Ensuring High-Quality TIFF to REImage Rendering
Like mentioned before, there is an intermediary for converting TIFF document to another form, that is TIFF document to REImage rendering. VB users are allowed to apply following demo APIs directly or reprogram user-defined TIFF document converter by calling and writing the offered methods within VB.NET Class Library or Console Application.
Private Function GetPage(pageIdx As Integer) As BasePage Implements TIFFDocument.GetPage
End Function
Private Function toImage() As BaseImage Implements TIFFPage.toImage
End Function
Private Function toImage(width As Integer, height As Integer) As BaseImage Implements TIFFPage.toImage
End Function
Private Sub New(imagesource As List(Of REImage))
End Sub
Brief explanations for above APIs:
- TIFFPage: represents specific TIFF functions at page level that is the sub-level compared with TIFFDocument
- TIFFDocument: contains all the TIFF page applications in abstract mode, derived from REDocument like PDFDocument, WordDocument, ExcelDocuemnt and PPTXDocument
- GetPage: use this method to specify the TIFF document page that will be rendered to REImage, and it is user-defined
Entire VB.NET Code for Rendering TIFF Document to REImage
Programmed based on the above rendering APIs and methods, example VB code below can help users finish TIFF document to REImage conversion in short time but with high efficiency. VB.NET TIFF document to REImage rendering is the indispensable step before all TIFF document conversions, that is to say, no matter which image or document format you want to convert TIFF document to or from, you need to finish this procedure first. You can link to
TIFF document converting overview in VB.NET for the comprehensive TIFF document rendering information.
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="TiffFilePath"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function ConvertTIFFToREImage(TiffFilePath As [String]) As List(Of REImage)
Dim buffer As New List(Of REImage)()
Dim doc As TIFFDocument = DirectCast(REFile.OpenDocumentFile(TiffFilePath, New TIFDecoder()), TIFFDocument)
For i As Integer = 0 To doc.GetPageCount() - 1
Dim page As TIFFPage = DirectCast(doc.GetPage(i), TIFFPage)
Dim temp As REImage = DirectCast(page.ToImage(), REImage)
If temp IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Return buffer
End Function
VB.NET TIFF to REImage Rendering Features and Benefits
Following descriptions will give you the reasonable and comprehensive explanations for why you should choose this TIFF document to REImage rendering assemebly.
User-friendly TIFF to REImage Rendering Interface
Users are free to decide VB.NET TIFF rendering rate and pause or continue the rending procedure at any time.
Platform-friendly TIFF to REImage Rendering Control
Can be installed on any Windows document operating system and implemented within MS .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5, as well as Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 & 2012.
Remarkable Technical Support for TIFF to REImage Rendering
Provide detailed online APIs, methods and sample code in VB.NET program to guide users to render and convert all TIFF document to REImage collection or just define a certain page to REImage.
Support Rendering and Converting TIFF Document to Variable Forms
After having rendered TIFF document to REImage in VB.NET, users are capable of converting and saving rendered REImage into multiple daily used image and document forms.
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