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Add & Insert Word Doc Page
To get started with DocImage SDK for .NET, you are supposed to read VB.NET Imaging: Get Started first!
In the real life application, sometimes, we may need to insert one or a list of pages into existing Word document file for creating a new Word file. Then how to add new page(s) to source Word document with a VB.NET programming solution?
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- What VB.NET APIs can I use to add & insert new page(s) into Word file?
- Which demo VB.NET code can I use for new Word page adding?
- What are the advantages of using RasterEdge Word page inserting control for VB.NET?
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APIs for Word Page Adding
Four mature VB.NET APIs are offered here to help you add or insert new page(s) into target Word document file in different situations. In order to help you have a better understanding of following VB.NET APIs, we here specifically address several points that you may need to pay attention to.
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- DOCXDocument & DOCXPage: DOCXDocument is a high-level model of one Word document, which is derived from super class REDocument; DOCXPage is used by RasterEdge Word reading SDK to represent one Word page, which is derived from REPage.
- AddPage & InsertPage: Using the AddPage method, VB.NET developers can only add new page at the end of source Word document file; Using the InsertPage method, VB.NET developers can insert new page at specified position.
API to Add Single Word Page
The page that will be inserted into your VB.NET project Word file can be either a blank page or a page extracted from other existing Word file.
Private Sub AddPage(page As BasePage) Implements DOCXDocument.AddPage
End Sub
API to Add Multiple Word Pages
If you are going to add a number of pages to source Word file, this VB.NET API will be more proper. This API is very useful if you want to add a list of pages extracted from one Word file to another Word document.
Private Sub InsertPage(page As BasePage, pageIdx As Integer) Implements DOCXDocument.InsertPage
End Sub
API to Insert Single Word Page
Private Function AddPages(pageList As List(Of DOCXPage)) As Integer Implements DOCXDocument.AddPages
End Function
API to Update Certain One Word Page
If you want to replace certain Word page with source new page, which can be accurately located using VB.NET code, you can use this VB.NET API that is designed to help developers update one existing Word page.
Private Sub UpdatePage(page As BasePage, pageIdx As Integer) Implements DOCXDocument.UpdatePage
End Sub
Demo Code for Word Page Insertion
The sample VB.NET code listed below is used to help developers insert an empty page into target Word file at specified location. For example, if you want to insert an empty page behind Word page 5, then, you can easily achieve this by entering the value of pageidx as 4.
''' <summary>
''' Create an empty page and insert it into an existing DOCXDocument
''' </summary>
''' <param name="doc"></param>
''' <param name="idx"></param>
Public Sub CreateAndInsertEmptyPage(doc As DOCXDocument, idx As Integer)
Dim page As BasePage = doc.CreateEmptyPage()
doc.InsertPage(page, idx)
End Sub
VB.NET Word Page Adding SDK Features
Apart from above advanced page adding & inserting capacity, this VB.NET Word document library add-on also owns other outstanding features.
Easy to Install in .NET Framework 2.0 & Later Versions
Without any registration code, VB developers can easily integrate this .NET Word document plug-in into their applications by adding RasterEdge compact dlls. But before using this VB.NET Word page adding control add-on, please remember to get your valid license key first.
Compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 & Greater Versions
This VB.NET Word page adding control SDK is expressly developed for .NET platforms, including both Windows Forms and ASP.NET web applications. Thus, it owns high compatibility with .NET developing tools, like Visual Studio.
Support Other Common Word Page Processing Functions Using VB.NET
VB.NET Word processing features, like page deletion, page reordering, page image adding and document merging & splitting, are all supported by this
VB.NET Word page processing library add-on.
Both VB.NET & C# programming languages are all supported by this VB.NET Word page adding and inserting control SDK.
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