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VB.NET Word - Create Word Windows Viewer in VB

How to Create Word Windows Viewer Using VB.NET Code

Home > .NET Imaging SDK > VB.NET > Create Word Windows Viewer
To get started with DocImage SDK for .NET, you are supposed to read VB.NET Imaging: Get Started first!

VB.NET Word Windows Viewer is a program used for Microsoft Word documents displaying, processing and printing in .NET Windows Forms project. RasterEdge .NET Image SDK includes this control for creating Word Windows Viewer in VB.NET applications. add text to pdf, itextsharp convert pdf to image, itextsharp insert image in pdf, c# barcode scanner example, visual basic create pdf, convert tiff to pdf c# itextsharp. When the VB.NET Windows Word Viewer is created by referring to this guide page, text from a Word document can be copied into clipboard and pasted into Windows Word viewer for further processing.
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Our VB.NET Word Windows Viewer enables developers to load, view, process, save and print Word document with file extension of .dox and .docx in .NET programming using VB language. c# pdf get text coordinates, c# get pdf bookmarks, c# pdf highlight text, pdf to image, c# pdf remove annotation, c# remove text from pdf, rotate pdf. If this Word Viewer is created, you are able to view Word documents without installing Microsoft Office. Here is specific guide for building Word Windows Viewer in VB.NET.
Our VB.NET Word Windows Viewer is an advanced VB.NET control that enables quick Word document viewing in WinForms application and is recommended by many VB.NET developers. pdf editor control, multipage tiff viewer with thumbnails, display word document in browser, remove text from pdf online, free asp. net mvc pdf viewer, free pdf preview in asp net c#, pdf viewer disable save. It contains functionalities that can be embedded within .NET Windows Forms applications to view, manipulate, process and print Word documents. We provide royalty-free and permanent developer licenses to customers for commercial use with our VB.NET Windows-based Word Document Viewer.
Word document is often used in both VB.NET and Visual C#.NET programs. There are also many C#.NET developers who are willing to create a Windows Word Viewer. For these C# developers, we offer additional tutorial to create Windows Word Viewer in C#.NET. Developers are free to use C# demo code on this tutorial page.
VB.NET Word Windows Viewer Support
Our Windows Viewer for Word document is a powerful and professional component that is widely used in VB.NET applications due to the following aspects.
It supports the following Word document formats:
  • Binary Word documents (.doc)
  • Office Open XML documents (.docx, .docm)
It supports Microsoft operating systems:
  • Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
  • Windows Server 2000 / 2003 / 2008
It supports the following Visual Studio versions:
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 / 2010 /2012
It supports .NET Framework versions:
  • .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5
It supports the following functions in VB.NET application:
  • Able to load or open a Word document in VB.NET WinForms document viewer
  • Easy to zoom in / out target Word document page
  • Simple to rotate VB project Word document within any orientation
  • Available for creating annotations on Word document
  • Capable of saving and printing Word document in your local directory
Create Word Windows Viewer in VB.NET
VB.NET example of creating Word Windows Viewer is provided in this section. Developers can refer to the example to build Windows-based Viewer for Word and then use it to view Word document and customize own Word document based on current needs. When viewing a Word document with our .NET WinForms Document Viewer, it is possible for users to copy the document and transform it to another location as well as print it at any time.
The following two dlls are required for creating Word Windows Viewer in VB.NET, which can be found in the unzipped trial version of RasterEdge .NET Imaging SDK.
  • RasterEdge.Imaging.MSWordDocx.dll
  • RasterEdge.Imaging.Basic.dll
Visual Basic .NET demo code is demonstrated below for you to build a Windows Viewer for Microsoft Word document. You are free to copy it to your VB.NET Windows application in your Visual Studio. Through VB.NET programming, Word document viewing, annotating, rotating and more functions will be realized easily.
     Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports RasterEdge.Imaging
Imports System.Windows
Imports RasterEdge.Imaging.WindowsControl
Imports RasterEdge.Imaging.Word.WindowsControl

Namespace WordViewer
Public Class WordViewer

Public Function GetNumberOfPages(FileName As String) As Integer
Dim image__1 As Image = Image.FromFile(FileName)
Dim ID As Guid = image__1.FrameDimensionsList(0)
Dim fd As New FrameDimension(ID)
Return image__1.GetFrameCount(fd)
Catch ex1 As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, error exists " + ex1.Message)
End Try
End Function

Public Function GetNumberOfPages(FileName As String) As Integer
Dim image__1 As Image = Image.FromFile(FileName)
Dim ID As Guid = image__1.FrameDimensionsList(0)
Dim fd As New FrameDimension(ID)
Return image__1.GetFrameCount(fd)
End Function

Public Function GetSpecificPage(FileName As String, iPageNumber As Integer) As Image
Dim image__1 As Image = Image.FromFile(FileName)
Dim ms As MemoryStream Is Nothing
Dim returnImage As Image = Image.FromFile(FileName)
ms = New MemoryStream()
Dim ID As Guid = image__1.FrameDimensionsList(0)
Dim fd As New FrameDimension(ID)

image__1.SelectActiveFrame(fd, iPageNumber)
image__1.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp)
returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms)
Return returnImage
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Error")
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function

'Word Processing Handler
Private WordViewerHandler As New RasterImaging.WordHandler()

Public Sub New()
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Form1.Load
WordViewerHandler = New RasterImaging.WordHandler()
End Sub

Private Sub Open_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Open.Click
Wordviewer = New OpenFileDialog()
Wordviewer.Title = "Open Word"
Wordviewer.Filter = "Word"
If Wordviewer.FileName.ToString() <> "" Then
'Send Word To Handle
WordViewerHandler.CurrentWord = CType(Word.FromFile(Wordviewer.FileName), Word)
WordViewerHandler.WordPath = Wordviewer.FileName
Me.AutoScroll = True
Me.AutoScrollMinSize = New
Size(Convert.ToInt32(WordViewerHandler.CurrentWord.Width * zoomFactor),
Convert.ToInt32(WordViewerHandler.CurrentWord.Height * zoomFactor))
End If
End Sub

' Save The File
Private Sub Save_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
Wordviewer = New SaveFileDialog()
Wordviewer.Title = "Save Word"
Wordviewer.Filter = "Word"
If Wordviewer.FileName.ToString() <> "" Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
In addition to VB.NET Word Windows Viewer creation, we also offer guides for Word Web Viewer building in VB.NET and Word Mobile Viewer creation using VB code. After building the Web Viewer, you are able to open and edit Word document online. And with the Mobile Viewer, you are allowed to view and process Microsoft Word document in your mobile projects, like iPhone and Android projects.
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Recommend this to Google+ is professional provider of ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Viewer, MVC PDF Viewer document, content and imaging solutions, available for ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, Windows Forms as well as WPF. We are dedicated to provide powerful & profession imaging controls, PDF document, image to pdf files and components for capturing, viewing, processing, converting, compressing and stroing images, documents and more.

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